The Everyone Rides Initiative (ERI) is very excited to have the opportunity to hire a new staff person, ERI Adaptive Bike Coordinator. Through our funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation our program offerings are expanding to include adaptive bikes. So far we have purchased a three-wheeled bike and a beautiful nihola cargo bike. Now we are looking for the perfect person to build a program which will support access to adaptive bikes to the people who can benefit most from them in Hamilton. As the Program Manager of the ERI since 2016 I am excited to see this development in our programming finally come to fruition.
Throughout my time with the ERI program I have been continually identifying and new barriers that may arise for folks and also the long standing barriers that have not yet been address. The introduction of adaptive bikes is a solution to one of those long standing barriers and we are thrilled to introduce access to adaptive bikes into our future program offerings. Stay tuned.
Click here to learn more about our growing Adaptive Bike Program.
The Adaptive Bike Coordinator job posting will be active until March 1st. Click here to learn more about the position.